lördag 26 februari 2011

Tattoo Meltdown 2011

Working with the boyos from Black Scar Tattoo

onsdag 23 februari 2011

Heading south

Mr.Pm came back for some birds and an compas. Now he wont get lost.

söndag 20 februari 2011


Had Another go at Susannes thie.
Just the little wabbit left for next session.
And what can i say.,, this girl is à champ.

fredag 18 februari 2011

Joels Phoenix

Got Another couple of hours knocked out on Joels arm.,, Got the wings and tailfeathers left to do, then all done. This baby is sure gonna shine!

onsdag 16 februari 2011

Shirts n caps on Its way

U Wanna hang with the cool kids.. U gonna need a tee from GHT.!

måndag 14 februari 2011

Shiva ish..

Did this on a bud of mine, is part of a full sleave fil up around his other tattys. The rest of the arm is smoke and some flowers But the piece de la resticance is this multitalented vixen on his lower arm.


Drawing turned into tatty...

Had a request for something in the traditional style. The girl wanted a bird of mine and i added a rose some cherries and an old style pendant.
The most flatering part is that she traveld somewhat 4 hours by bus and train to get a tatty by me.
So My hat of to Sofie, u'r welcome back any time.